A Poetic Date!

If only I could find one,
I would use a word to describe you,
Alas! I cant

Looking you ignites the poet inside me,
I say I have seen someone better than you,
He claims I didn't
I say, those big black eyes of yours aren't the best,
He say yes, only next to those of Hober's pin.
I say your lips aren't the most beautiful,
He says yes, but only less pristine and pious than the goddess herself!
I say I your voice is good but not the best,
He proves me wrong, yours better than cuckoos'
I say your hairs are fine but not the perfect,
He say better and more black than the wings of Grauna,
I say you are good for me,
He say You are perfect for me!
Would you like to go out on a date with my poetic friend....?

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